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MG: intend; mean to; do deliberately; have as a purpose MG: less; -er MG: value; worth MG: measure

  verb >noun (normal transitive)
Semantic relations:
  Is: 1

English: lowball, underestimate
make a deliberately low estimate
The construction company wanted the contract badly and lowballed
日本語: 見くびるみくびる, 見縊るけんくびる
ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ: دست کم گرفتن
Bahasa Indonesia: melayaskan, mengentengkan, menggampangkan, meremehkan, melayas
Slovenčina: podhodnotiť, podceniť, podceňovať, nedoceniť, nedoceňovať, podhodnocovať
Português: fazer pouco, menosprezar, subestimar
Italiano: sottostimare, sottovalutare
ไทย: ประเมินต่ำ
Català: subestimar
Slovenščina: podcenjevati
Français: sous-estimer
Româneşte: subaprecia, subestima, subevalua
Bahasa Melayu: melayaskan, mengentengkan, menggampangkan, meremehkan
Suomi: aliarvioida
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[MG: moneyMG: not; no; nope; don't; nonMG: emit; emanate; expel; give off; dischargeMG: smell; odour; aroma; olfactory property; scent; odor]Money does not smell